This sequel brings back the mighty Earth defender Wojira, as he once again travels to the North Pole to do battle with the dastardly, evil, robotic Mecha-Santa. You’ll have to employ all your arcade-based skills as you jump, dig, and chomp through hundreds of evil toys and robots. This title plays exactly like the original, but adds a few key features.
For one, there are fifteen new levels for you to explore (or destroy for that matter). There are three new musical scores and a variety of updated sound effects. You’ll also get a fully integrated Game Center leaderboard so that you can challenge your friends for the highest score possible. There is also full iCade support allowing you to use the specialized joystick to give the game more of a traditional arcade feel.
Aside from “three new mystery powers,” this sequel acts much like its predecessor. Your job is to eat your way through everything and anything, growing larger and more powerful with each level you pass. You’ll need to use sharp controls and the environment to stay alive, as angry enemies and precariously placed land mines block your path.
It’s an action packed romp, but it’s definitely not for everyone. The intense amounts of gore and devastation in this title make it more of an “adult”-themed holiday release. If you don’t mind the utter chaos, you can grab Super Mega Worm Versus Santa 2 from the App Store right now for only 0.99 USD.