Are you considering taking out a personal loan and wondering if it will be considered income? It’s an important question to ask because understanding the implications of personal loans is…
Apple’s contactless feature that enables one iPhone user to pay another without the need for any additional hardware, “Tap to Pay”, is now being rolled out to Apple Stores across…
Following reports earlier this month that credit and debit cards no longer seemed to work for Apple app and subscription payments in India, Apple has now confirmed that it has,…
Apple has announced plans to introduce a feature called “Tap to Pay on iPhone”. This functionality will allow users to simply bump handsets (and the Apple Watch) to send and…
Alibaba executive chairman Jack Ma said he’s open to working with Apple on mobile payments, as China’s richest person prepares to call on Hollywood this week in search of media partners. Alibaba…
Microsoft Corp (MSFT.O) sued Samsung ElectronicsCo Ltd (005930.KS) on Friday, claiming the South Korean smartphone maker refused to make a royalty payment last fall onpatent licenses after Microsoft announced its intention to acquire Nokia’s (NOK1V.HE) handset…
(Reuters) – Stripe launched in Australia and began testing in three Scandinavian countries on Monday, as the three-year-old payments startup backed by a trio of PayPal co-founders slowly enlarges its global footprint….
Many people use their smartphones to watch video, play games and wake them up in the morning. Some even use them to generate digital boarding passes to fly. So why…