Tech Press Go Hands-On with 18.4-Inch Samsung Galaxy View

Following Microsoft’s Surface Pro slates and the upcoming iPad Pro, there’s another, even larger tablet soon to hit the market. It’s the Samsung Galaxy View – which, with its 18.4-inch display, is the largest Android device ever made.

A few early hands-on reviews have appeared online, but the reception appears to be mixed. The Inquirer has called the tablet a “monster disappointment”, noting that the Galaxy View is intended not for productivity, like other large slates, but media consumption – and so fails to fill any specific niche.

Android Authority, in their video review above, question the necessity of the display size, but opine that the Galaxy View could come into its own should the as-yet-unannounced pricing be right.

It’s a surprisingly lackluster reception for a new Samsung tablet, which could end up proving much more of a novelty and curiosity than genuinely useful. But only time, as ever, will really tell…

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