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Terry Cavanagh’s Epic Retro Platformer VVVVVV to Hit iOS

Attention all you old school gamers out there. A retro-inspired title is making its way to iOS and Android and it’s definitely one you’re going to want to own. The oddly named “VVVVVV,” a creation from developer Terry Cavanagh, was an exclusive addition to the worlds of PC and Nintendo 3DS. But the challenging platformer is now making its way to iOS according to a teaser image from the developers personal website. The photo, which is sneakily placed at the bottom of the page, shows a walking protagonist next to the words “coming soon.” All of this is placed under the heading “for iPhone and iPad.”

The 2008 hit stars Captain Veridian and has you running, jumping, and puzzle-solving as you make your way through a challenging platformer landscape that is teeming with hazards and secrets. This game is a definite throwback to the 8-Bit hits of yesteryear, mimicing titles like Pitfall in both gameplay and design.

And this isn’t you traditional “casual game” either. It possesses a serious challenge, much like the predecessors it was modeled after. If you’ve ever been frustrated over a Mario Brothers game, or tossed Pitfall out the window because you hate the prospect of jumping and platforming over things, then this might not be the game for you. However, hardcore gamers with an itch for a challenging throwback will feel right at home with this release.

Terry Cavanagh isn’t a new face to the world of iOS development either. The creator has managed to crank out two hit titles already with “Super Hexagon” and “Don’t Look Back.” These titles are unique, retro-inspired, and have an endearing art style to them. Both of these games can be grabbed in the App Store right now, but we aren’t exactly sure when we’ll see a release of VVVVVV. Hopefully we will have some news for all of you concerning the project soon!

Photo Credit: Terry Cavanagh

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