Three new Apple Podcasts Collections launched, covering true crime, vital perspectives, and pop culture

Apple Podcasts

Apple has thrown the covers off three new Apple Podcasts Collections, which are free genre-specific playlists that update every week and offer content recommendations encompassing true crime, culture, and entertainment.

Apple Podcasts Collections are editorially curated, and can be considered a podcast equivalent to the weekly updated Apple Music playlists. The Cupertino firm has long put together ā€œcollectionsā€ on topical subjects such as Black History Month, as well as some with an all-year-round focus, such as podcasts recommended for children.

Now, Apple has debuted another three new collections, called Darkside, Popped, and ā€œtbhā€, which can be found in the Browse and Search sections of Apple Podcasts on iOS and macOS.

The collections can be summarized as follows:

  • Darkside is updated every Tuesday, bringing together new series and seasons in the fast-growing true crime genre of podcasts
  • tbh (To Be Honest) receives a fresh update every Wednesday, and is the place to look for ā€œthe voices and perspectives you need to hear, including those you may not have consideredā€
  • Popped gets updated every Thursday in readiness for the weekend, and serves up podcasts with stimulating discussions about listenersā€™ favorite TV shows, movies, music, books, video games, and more

While Appleā€™s press release only mentioned the United States and Canada as countries in which the new Collections are available, they have reportedly already appeared in the macOS Podcasts app in the United Kingdom as well. One would probably presume, then, that these Collections will at some point get a broader international rollout.

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