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Three SEO Trends to Ensure Your Content Meets Google Standards

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing and Search Engine Optimization- SEO

Google has increasingly gotten better at assessing and identifying signals and directing the content that is actually aligned with its standards. 

Here are several SEO trends that can help you meet Google standards:

Establish E-EAT

You might be familiar with the popular acronym of Google of EAT, which stands for “Expertise,” “Authority,” and “Trust.” Now, this acronym has gotten an additional “E,” making it “E-EAT.” The additional “E” stands for experience, which means that Google now considers the experience of the creator of the content to evaluate its quality. 

Google wants to see that the creator has real-world, first-hand, and extensive experience related to the discussed topic. Suppose you have just launched an online business. In that case, you can achieve online success with tailored SEO solutions in Melbourne, where a team of professionals can help you boost the quality of your website content and advise you on what topics to focus on. 

Write Content for Your Audience 

SEO content creation is booming, so there is an increased emphasis on audience-targeted content. Suppose a business website sells plumbing services, but their blog posts talk excessively about pets or home improvement ideas that have nothing to do with plumbing services.

In this case, Google is going to be suspicious about the content regarding whether or not it is intended for the respective target audience. Google crawlers will also assess whether or not the website can rank for specific high-volume keywords. 

In reality, you won’t experience any ranking success if your content isn’t benefiting your target audience. If the content of your content strategy has been solely to boost “search traffic” with no or too little consideration for what your potential target audience might want to know/read, then you are less likely to find success.

Humans First | Search Engine Optimization – Seo

You will want to use different social media platforms to make your target audience aware of the existence of your brand and then write content for them. Ideally, you should publish content that is helpful and leaves the readers satisfied. 

You will want to ensure that the content ticks the following boxes:

Elevate Author Experience & Authority

With the rise of AI tools, Google has been emphasizing on ranking content that real people produce. So, the chances of getting any auto-generated content ranked are relatively low. That said, you will want to boost author experience and authority by showcasing that your content is created by real people writing for real audiences. 

You might want to hire only experts to create content. Simultaneously, you will want to include author bios or create author pages on the website to exhibit that real experts write all content.

Search Engine Optimization -Seo | Google

You could also include links to the writer’s social media accounts so Google can assess the originality of the written content through social signals and identify that the writers are indeed real people and authentic experts.

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