Tweeters Frustrated as Netflix Suffers Badly-Timed Outage

When showing off various new additions to its library, including the made-for-Netflix Marvel TV series Luke Cage and films like A Cinderella Story and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, the streaming service Netflix was hit with a major outage on Saturday. Twitter users werenā€™t impressedā€¦

The issues started, according to CNNMoney, just before 3pm Eastern Time and remained for roughly three hours. Many Netflix users posted their complaints on the microblogging site Twitter; in fact, Downdetector, which keeps account of online complaints about outages, recorded, from users globally on Saturday afternoon, over 13,000 posts about Netflix problems.

The timing wasnā€™t exactly brilliant for either Netflix or the serviceā€™s users eager to see recently-added content like the movies Titanic and Ferris Buellerā€™s Day Off. However, Netflix acknowledged the outage at around 3:30pm, telling readers of its customer service Twitter page that ā€œwe are aware of streaming issues and we are working quickly to solve them.ā€

The company finally declared the issue resolved shortly before 6pm. For those Netflix users in the Apple ecosystem, the streaming serviceā€™s content can be watched on iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple TV.

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