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Unicode shares new emojis for 2020

A grid of diverse emojis on a purple background. It includes a variety of faces, people, food items, animals, plants, insects, and miscellaneous objects ranging from books and tools to sports equipment, flags, and magical icons. These new emojis introduced in 2020 showcase the latest Unicode additions.

The Unicode Consortium has announced its latest round of characters coming in 2020.

The independent consortium was “founded to develop, extend and promote the use of the Unicode Standard and related globalization standards which specify the representation of text in modern software products and other standards.”

Unde Unicode 13, developers such as Apple and Google will incorporate the new emojis into their operating systems, though in Apple’s case, it’s usually not until the iOS X.1 release.

This year, there are 62 new emoji being added to the code, including seals, polar bears, teapots, and beetles.

Other popular additions include two people hugging, a new hugging face, a gender-inclusive person wearing a tuxedo, and a gender-neutral person in a veil.

Other gender-inclusive additions include an alternative to Santa Claus and Mrs Claus, Mx. Claus.

This emoji is part of the Consortium’s ongoing efforts to create a consistent set of gender options for characters, expanding on the 138 gender-neutral emoji released in 2019.

Which of these is your favorite? Let us know on social media and check back soon for more.

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