Vision Pro Rollout: Exclusive Training for Retail Staff in 2024 Apple is gearing up for the Vision Pro headset's anticipated launch in 2024, with a special training event for select retail employees in Cupertino, California.

Apple Vision Pro Headset

As Apple’s Vision Pro headset inches closer to its debut, the tech giant is keen on ensuring its retail store employees are well-prepared. According to a recent revelation by Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman in the “Power On” newsletter, Apple has discreetly beckoned its retail staff to partake in a unique training session in Cupertino. This move is aimed at familiarizing the chosen few with the Vision Pro, especially given its intricate sales procedure.

A memo, dispatched recently to the retail teams, invited applications for this secretive event. The acceptance into this exclusive gathering is, however, not without scrutiny. Candidates are expected to undergo an application and subsequent interview to ascertain their suitability.

A section from the memo states, “Selected team members will travel and participate in an event in Cupertino, California, at some point in the first months of 2024. Upon returning to their home store, they’ll deliver training and ongoing support to store team members. This is a group opportunity for those who have a deep passion for demonstrating Apple products and teaching others.”

Apple Vision Pro | NBA 2K VR

Gurman’s interpretation of this maneuver is straightforward. The event’s primary intent is to empower employees with comprehensive knowledge about the Vision Pro. This includes unraveling its features and elucidating the nuanced process of presenting it to potential customers. Apple envisions representatives from each of its retail locations in the United States partaking in this event. Post-training, these ambassadors are expected to cascade the knowledge onto their peers back at their respective stores.

The Vision Pro’s market introduction is anticipated to be unparalleled and complex compared to previous Apple product launches. Customers will experience the novelty of witnessing the assembly of their Vision Pro headsets right at the store, tailoring components like the headband, light seal, and, if required, prescription lenses. Apple’s marquee retail spaces are slated to feature dedicated zones for Vision Pro exploration. In contrast, the smaller outlets might only be privy to a limited number of units.

Concluding his analysis, Gurman deciphers from the memo’s verbiage that the Vision Pro’s readiness might not align with the beginning of 2024.

Vision Pro | Work & Office

Apple has vaguely marked the Vision Pro’s launch timeframe as “early” 2024.

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