Threads, described by Meta as “Instagram’s text-based conversation app”, is tightly interwoven with its visual counterpart. This not only means that users’ Instagram usernames transfer to Threads, and they can opt to follow the same individuals they follow on Instagram, but it also signifies that once a Threads profile is established, it cannot be deleted without simultaneously deleting the associated Instagram account.
For users who want to exit Threads without sacrificing their Instagram presence, the only choice left is to temporarily deactivate their Threads profile. This serves Meta’s interest in having users maintain both platforms. As stated in Threads’ privacy policy: “You may deactivate your Threads profile at any time, but your Threads profile can only be deleted by deleting your Instagram account.”

The key takeaway for Instagram aficionados is simple: avoid signing up for Threads if you’re not prepared to have a permanent Threads profile stored on Meta’s servers. For those who have already joined, a less satisfactory solution is to deactivate the Threads profile, by following these steps:
- Open the Threads app and tap on the profile icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen
- Tap the two-line menu icon located at the top right of your profile
- Choose the Account icon, then select ‘Deactivate profile’
- Click on ‘Deactivate Threads profile’, then confirm your decision
Deactivating your profile means that your posts and interactions won’t be visible until you decide to reactivate your profile. However, these posts will remain stored on Threads’ servers unless you manually remove them one at a time.
In case you reconsider after deactivation, reactivation is easy: just log back into the Threads app using your Instagram account.

Keep in mind, however, that you can only deactivate your profile once a week.