When Apple chief Tim Cook reels off detail after detail about the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus at his company’s recently announced major event at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium, he is unlikely to reveal much that most of his audience won’t already know. That is, of course, because so much information about these handsets has already been leaked and publicized. However, it remains – at least for now – a very different story for next year’s iPhone line.
7: a lucky number for Apple followers
With so many Apple observers immediately concerned with the smartphones that Cook is expected to formally announce in ten days’ time, there have been very few public hints of what could lie a year ahead. Given that Apple’s introduction of its first ever phablet, the iPhone 6 Plus, eroded one of Samsung’s major advantages in the smartphone market, another such handset to follow the iPhone 6S Plus seems inevitable. But what else could Cook and his team work on for 2016?
Given the consistent evidence that the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus are very much the minor, rather than revolutionary, moves forward that their names suggest, Apple looks likely to do whatever it can to reinvent the wheel with their successors – and, as a nod to this, use the moniker of iPhone 7. The corporation has been rumored to be developing a number of peculiar technologies that could all appear into future iPhone models – but which of them could be ready for the iPhone 7?
An iPhone ahead of the curve… and with the curve
The UK website Apple Plans has devised its own concept for the iPhone 7. The site has listed many specs for the concept should it be made real – including a 13-megapixel rear camera, 8-megapixel front snapper, Apple A9 processor and 16GB, 32GB, 64GB and 128GB storage options. Much more striking than these realistic – or probably even too cautious – specs, however, is the visual design for this other concept…
As you can see, this video envisions an iPhone screen that crosses both sides, and even reaches the top and bottom, of the handset – like a natural progression from the famous curved screen of the Samsung S6 Edge. It might even be one of the most plausible iPhone 7 concept ideas we’ve seen; in June, it was reported that Apple was “serious” about adopting flexible screens for future iPhones.
The more things change, the more things stay the same?
Many other technologies that Apple is probably busy developing, like a hydrogen-powered iPhone battery, probably wouldn’t be ready for integrating into iPhones in just a year’s time. In June, there was even word of a possible 4-inch “iPhone 7C” – which, judging from Apple tradition with smaller form devices, would likely have very similar specs and features to the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus. And you should already know a lot about them…