It might not have matched the huge critical and financial successes of Inside Out and Jurassic World, but Magic Mike XXL – yes, that film with the male strippers – has continued to pull in big audiences. Perhaps unsurprisingly, those audiences have been largely female, but there’s a lot more for them to enjoy in this comedy-drama sequel than Channing Tatum’s six-pack.
There is, for example, that “narrative thrust and beefy charm” that Rotten Tomatoes has acknowledged critics noticing. It’s also fair to say there are enough great comic moments in the script to amuse even many men who have so far averted the film, convinced that they are too unlikely to enjoy a movie that is so heavily focused on male strippers.
There is also a certain something else that could entice viewers of both sexes: the soundtrack. It features music from artists including Donald Glover, Backstreet Boys and even Matt Bomer, one of the movie’s stars. You can read more about this soundtrack in the current issue of AppleMagazine.