Amazon’s super bowl commercial featuring celebrity stars goes down a storm

Since releasing their teaser trailerĀ for their Super Bowl commercial, Amazon Alexa’s lost voice has been much talked about. Super Bowl is just as much about the million-dollar commercialsĀ as it is about the football and this year did not disappoint.

Amazon’s advert was one of the most talked about as they featured of a whole host of celebrities. The advert included Gordon Ramsey, Anthony Hopkins, Rebel Wilson, and Cardi B who, Amazon founder, Jess Bezos reaches out to to replace Alexa after she loses her voice. Some on Twitter even wanted Cardi B to replace Alexa permanently!

The replacements all add their own personality to the smart speaker, with chefĀ Gordon Ramsey offering grilled cheese advice from his rowing machine, rapperĀ Cardi B laughing when asked how far away Mars is and Pitch Perfect actressĀ Rebel Wilson setting the mood from her bathtub. The comicalĀ 90-second advert went down a storm.

During the advert, Amazon had cleverly ensured the Alexa in your house wouldn’t respond when the advert was running. In a blog post, Amazon explained, “This is possible because of acoustic fingerprinting technology that can distinguish between the ad and actual customer utterances.”

What are your thoughts on the commercial?

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