Apple Up for Making Own Music, TV Shows, Says Jimmy Iovine

In an interview with Nikkei, record producer and influential Apple employee Jimmy Iovine has revealed that the company is considering making more in-house content, including music, videos and TV shows, to boost the use of paid services on Apple devices.

Jimmy Iovine, who joined Apple with its acquisition of Beats Electronics in 2014, told the Asian news outlet that there is “no limit” to what the Cupertino tech giant is willing to do in this area. He insisted that Apple will say yes “if someone walks in with a great idea”.

Should Apple follow Netflix and Amazon by making more of its own content, the availability of which would presumably be limited to the iTunes Store to help drive services revenue and boost incentives for the public to buy Apple hardware. Reportedly, Apple also recently mulled over acquiring Time Warner, though it is said that there were no serious moves towards a deal.

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