Apple Watch 2 Reportedly to be Mass Produced from Mid-2016

Following news that the second generation Apple Watch might not arrive until the fall, supply chain sources have not too surprisingly leaked that mass production of the redesigned wearable should commence during 2016ā€™s second quarter. Significant volumes, however, are not expectedā€¦

DigiTimes cites ā€œsources from the upstream supply chainā€ claiming that Quanta Computer will be solely responsible for manufacturing the device. Apparently, Apple had previously considered handing some orders for the in-the-works device to Foxconn Electronics, one of its traditional manufacturing partners ā€“ but backtracked upon deciding to keep production volumes relatively low.

Though Apple appears to have exercised caution with its orders for the second generation Apple Watch, the wearableā€™s predecessor, which has been available to buy since April, has excelled against smartwatches from rival companies, having taken over 50% of this young market by the close of 2015.

Nonetheless, only new bands and partnerships, like the previously-revealed collaboration with the French fashion label HermĆØs, are expected for the Apple Watch line between now and late 2016, when hardware revisions will finally be on the table. And, potentially, on your wristā€¦

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